Friday 20 November 2020

Copied👍🏻Want to know from a personal level why I don’t believe in covid? This started for me back in late March, following the press conferences, Chris Whitty saying just because covid is written on death certificates doesn’t necessarily mean they died of covid (what?) On May 7th 2020, Chris Whitty claimed on national TV that most people won’t get it and those that do the vast majority will get mild illness! (What?)
They openly admitted tests were counted twice (what?)
Government website downgraded and no longer a hcid (high consequence infectious disease) as of 19th March then national lockdown 4 days later (what?)

Government saying we don’t need to isolate the virus or prove it, it’s not necessary to do so (what?)

We came down off the "1st wave" just by social distancing but now we are in masks?

If the masks work why didn't we wear them during the 1st peak?

We are now in a "2nd wave" so either we are being lied to or masks dont work. You pick one.

People are being told they are positive when not even turning up for their tests. False positives are rife.

People are getting fined on the covid app when they haven't even left the house

We were told to eat out to help out and then blamed for "spreading the virus"

You can't meet anyone at their house but can have hundreds in a school?

You cross the road to avoid people but all cram on a bus, train or plane?

And the cure for the most deadly disease is to stay at home?

All the while healthy people are locked away, yet sick people are denied treatment from a NHS which is so underwhelmed they are laying off staff. Or they are standing around making TikTok videos.

"Essential retail" is allowed to stay open but the definition of essential is any multi national conglomerate that they can control. Charity shops are being forced to shut while the Apple store stays open.

Self employed businesses are being destroyed. Small business are being ruined. The employed are being paid to sit on their arse under the illusion the government cares about us.

All the while, small chunks of our life and freedom are being taken from us.

All for a "virus" that has never been proven to exist, and even by their own stats, had a 99% survival rate.

People are being "diagnosed" with covid for anything and everything. Cough, sneeze, rashes, weird toes. Singing bloody happy birthday. All of it with no proof but just "assumed", yet you get added to the growing number of cases.

And you still keep telling yourself this is about a virus?

This is about mass tyrannical control, moving us into a New World Order.

Not a single police officer has died in the entire country, as proven by many Freedom of Information Requests yet they are constantly around other people. So why have we got to stay apart? Does a police uniform offer protection? If so, there is no need for a vaccine

The virus lives on surfaces but we happily pick up stuff in a supermarket. Bakeries with food we cant sanitise is still available to buy. Post and parcels are still pushed through our doors.

The "virus" is so deadly we just pull out a used and dirty mask and stick in on our face in Tesco , then take it off after. Cos the virus only lives inside. Or we chuck our infectious masks on the floor as we leave

They apparently care about us but continue to let us smoke and drink and push fast food on us

All we hear on the news and press conferences is death, panic and fear but never anything about healthy eating, exercise, vitamins and supplements.

This post could go on forever with all the nonsense we are being told but you get what I'm saying

You are being lied to. And it's so obvious.

Only you can open your eyes. No one can do it for you.

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