Friday 20 November 2020

Stacey Wilkinson is feeling thoughtful.

Time for some home truths about CONSCIOUSNESS...don’t like it, you know where to go. 👋🏻

We are nowhere near at the conscious levels required for any change, unfortunately.

Nowhere near.

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” and yet still poring over MSM, or the latest horseshit dropping from the arsehole of Westminster everyday, you’re filling your mind with rubbish and pissing away your days. You might not think it, but you’re a massive part of the problem. 😬

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but wondering why the MSM isn’t covering your “Stand Up” protests, march, battle with the police or whatever...what planet are you on? You know who owns the media, right? Why the fuck would they broadcast the remedy. 🤦🏻‍♀️ FORGET the mainstream!

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but you’re focusing on trying to wake the dormant majority up by sharing Govt-fed media propaganda all have your priorities seriously misaligned. You’re keeping these beasts in jobs, when half of your own community will be out of work and in poverty soon.

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but still thinking that signing any Govt petition will change things, that it makes a difference whether Tories or Labour are in, Trump or Biden etc. are your leaders - then you’re fast asleep. 😴 They are two wings of the same bird. Staged pantomime.

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but still forwarding YouTube videos everyday to everyone in your inbox, then you’re nothing more than a distracting pest and you will never see the remedy - unless you change your behaviour and refocus on the solution.

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but you’re not contributing or offering any service or solution as part of the new world we’ll have to create, then you’re still wrapped up in the old world’s demise and you’re basically drift wood.

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but are still paying into a treasonous regime via your TV licence and taxes, then you are funding the corruption.

💡If you’re claiming to be “awake” but haven’t got offline and cultivated real-life communities, forged new friendships and swapped skills with others, then you are truly fucked with a capital “F.”

Look, it doesn’t help that all “publicly” available methods to raise our vibrations have been deliberately scrapped (unless you’re a celebrity or an elite sports person that is...dead giveaway, much?) and that we’ve all been blasted 24/7 for nearly a year with the cruellest of fear porn.

That still, there are ways and means to get around this, to get back in harmony and ground yourself with the Earth and your local community - but that’s your own responsibility.

There is NO GOVT MANDATE that says you MUST feed on their media-lead propaganda, but if you continue to do so and your mental health is now suffering, you only have yourself to blame and I have zero sympathy for you.

How can you guys wake anyone up when you’re barely conscious yourselves? 🤔

As long as you’re still addicted to the drama and the fear mongering, you will struggle to find away out of the psyops and will continue to maintain a low vibration.

This isn’t meant to be a negative post in any way shape or form, but amidst the clutter and the waffle we’re all bombarded with on a daily basis, I am in the process of unfollowing all “MSM-feeders” and I prefer to get straight to the point.

I hope it gives some people a wake-up call and if you already have an ounce of consciousness, please look at raising that to an unstoppable level - as that’s where the magic happens. 🔮


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