Friday 20 November 2020

💥Birth Certicates. A real eye opener.💥

In 1666, the Great Fire of London blazed away and somehow Westminster and all of the parliamentary buildings were saved, wherein the Cestui Que Vie Act was passed. This act introduced the birth certificate, as in the berth certificate, which a ship's captain would produce when harbouring in the dock, after having passed through the berth canal.

Although many assume that their birth certificate is proof of identity and proof of registration, it is not. It is a contract that was signed by one of your parents (named on the birth certificate as 'informant'), when they registered (abandoned) you to the state.

You have seven years to sign out of this contract, but by the age of seven, we know nothing of this, of course. Those that do not sign out of the contract are classed as dead and lost far our at sea.

From this, your legal fiction (also known as your strawman) is created, which has the same name as you, but it always represented in writing by the use of capital letters (which is how a dead entity is represented, legally) or will have a corporate title, such as Mr., Mrs., etc., before it.

The legal system contains no laws. Instead it is made up of Acts and Statutes. These Acts and Statutes are laws of the sea, not laws of the land. This is why it is sometimes referred to as Admiralty Law. The law of the land is known as Common Law. In order to give the acts and statutes of Admiralty Law (the legal system's laws) the same power as laws of the land, joinder, or agreement upon the terms of the contract must first be agreed upon by both parties involved in the interaction.

Your legal fiction exists within the legal system. It is a dead fiction in a dead world, which can transact with other dead fictions within the legal system. The term corporation is used, rather than dead fiction or dead entity. It is not you. It is your 'person', which is a corporate title for a legal fiction or corporation.

Only a corporation can exist or trade/communicate within the legal system. Humans cannot. Persons can. Therefore, a company can interact with a person (or strawman/legal fiction/corporation).

But, first, your person needs to contract, or give joinder, and that's where you, the human comes into play. You are tricked into thinking that your strawman is you. Every time that you give someone your name and address, you are giving them joinder and acting as your legal fiction. You are taking responsibility for it. Every time you sign your name, you are confirming it.

When a police officer asks you for your name and address, they are asking you for joinder. If you give it, you are accepting the contract and giving joinder, representing your legal fiction in the corporate world, or system.

The legal system is filled with words that have different meanings to their everyday ones. This is a language used by solicitors, barristers, judges and the police, which is called, 'Legalese' and the meaning for these words are taken from Black's Book of the Law.

For example, when a police officer asks you, "Do you understand?", they are not asking you if you comprehend, but rather, "Do you stand under my authority?" A 'summons' is an invite and the word 'must' can mean 'may'. Person, parent and child are all legal terms for man, woman, boy and girl.

You are not a 'person' you 'have' a person. If you refuse to comply and refuse to contract and you do not want to represent your legal fiction or vice versa, you can sign out of the contract, so to speak.

You can swear an Oath of Allegiance to Self, stating that you are entering into Lawful Dissent and standing under Article 61 of the Magna Carta,which is the Law of the Land and is known as Common Law, which in short states that you should not harm or cause loss to another and you should always be honest in all of your dealings.

You then send this oath to the relevant person (Lord Craigmyle) and this is your first step into Lawful Dissent.

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