Sunday 11 October 2020

Cutting off ones nose.

I do it too often, but still hold my head up.I would rather run out of petrol than spend money at certain garages near me, and have done. I point blank refuse to use some takeaways, because they stepped out of line.I no longer watch my favourite Bond films because I found out he was a wife beater.These are just a few examples of my behavior, I'm a one off, but just imagine if we all stuck together? The power of the people would make this a better world. We all know the BBC is corrupt, and are guilty of a cover up for the peado gangs, yet they still make billions in advertising and TV licencing.Every few years, we have a general election, and vot for the same murderous bastards, the same self serving scum,why?Yet a celebrity says an off the cuff comment, and the world goes crazy.

Can't change the way I am, and could not make anyone else do as I do, but just imagine if we did? Imagine all of us sticking together, how powerful we would be.

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