Thursday 13 August 2020

Written by Prue Neiberding.

Let's look at some facts, not theories
The entire state is in lock down without cause
The state is run by Freemasons and Pedophiles
They implement new laws and ignore others at will
Lives are ruined, businesses close, people lose incomes
Banks foreclose on people
Everyone loses independence
Death by suicide far outweigh numbers from alleged Covid 19
Number of deaths do not justify the measures
Masks mandated that are too coarsely woven to stop bacteria
Mandated mask wearing dangerous say medical experts
The only drug that may provide a solution is strangely banned
People may exercise together (2) but cannot shop together
The disease cannot be accurately tested
Death certificates falsified
Previous vaccines contain corona-virus
No proof that social distancing achieves anything
No proof that isolating healthy people achieves anything
No proof that new case numbers are in any way significant
Rules are presented as laws
Unlawful human rights abuses implemented
Declaration of disaster alleges powers to ignore laws
No proof that unlawful border closures achieve anything
Police fraud and extortion on the streets increase
Police brutality and violent force increase
Absolute destruction of our way of life continues
Unlawful proposal to introduce unlawful forced vaccinations
Vaccine manufacturers liability to be indemnified by taxpayers
Bail in laws introduced allowing theft of assets
Commercial judicial system conducting asset stripping
Useless corrupt politicians paid a fortune to commit treason
The media reports nothing from the above list of curiosities.

Daniel Andrews has the sheer Gaul to talk of conspiracy theorists not realizing that most of his audience are way smarter than him but ironically he thinks he's smarter than everyone else believing us all to be completely gullible and stupid.

One cannot tell the left from the right because there is no left and right, its an illusion and we are expected to believe that there's no conspiracy just the wild imaginings of the wacky's, I'm amazed that you have got the absolute cheek to rubbish "conspiracy theorists" when the conspiracy is actually conspiracy fact, and the only person that should have their oxygen permanently deprived of, is you.

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