Thursday 13 August 2020

They were just following orders.

Just been to town, could have been Blackburn, or any old town.Security asked me to wear a mask before entry to the precinct, I refused and walked on, as I was busting for a P, and lots of other toilets I tried were locked.An old lady with a walking stick was told she must circumnavigate and follow the one way system, so I stepped in and led her out the quickest way.
I had a dig at security on my way out, and told them they will be out of a job in 6 months....We are just doing our job, they said.Where have I heard that before?

If you run a small business and force people to wear the mask, you deserve to fold, because your days are numbered.Howerver, if you make a stand now, put a sign that masks are not welcome, you maybe can survive.
Wake up, make a stand, stop shooting yourself in the head.
Act now.

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