Sunday 16 August 2020

Stacey Wilkinson is feeling strong.
23 July

**An Idiot’s Guide to Killing the System which is Killing You**

🤡 Boycott brands under the zero-integrity #BBC#NewsCorp#WarnerMedia or #Disney umbrellas.
🤡 Stop paying for a TV licence - today! Why on earth are you paying to be lied to, by people who couldn’t give a flying fuck about your mental health?
🤡 Unsubscribe to all online MSM channels & STOP sharing/forwarding their links(!!) on here & elsewhere. It’s all published to get a rise out of you & 99% of you fall for it. #dontfeedthebeast
🤡 Delete #Facebook (after taking all your contacts & moving to another platform) - it’s a surveillance tool.
🤡 Say “NO” to large corporations/supermarkets & shop local/smaller stores instead.
🤡 Throw TV, newspapers, paper mask, hand sanitizers, social distancing signs, sneeze screens etc. out of the nearest high-story window.
🤡 Gather the troops offline, giving your family/friends/colleagues a hug.
🤡 Stop following celebrities (shills) & low-intel influencers on #socialmedia.
🤡 Do not share info links unless verified - or it challenges #MSM narrative.
🤡 Download Track & Trace, but attach your phone to the neck of a pigeon: “good luck with that, fuckers!”
🤡 Open your businesses.
🤡 Know the Law & take some time to learn your rights. NOT mandates, legislations & acts, real law.
🤡 Consider who is in your “real-life” support community & if you don’t have one, or spend all your time in your bedroom, get out & make one now. Do you have phone numbers, addresses etc.of those you want to stay in touch with?
🤡 Consider what you’re doing in the community to make a difference. Sharing links, expressing outrage online is not enough. Are you writing to MPs, the police (they serve you, not the other way around), attending demos, organising local support groups?
🤡 Grow a pair & stop taking shit from this narcissistic government, the media, the Alarmists, the uneducated. Breathe.
🤡 Get offline & get into nature, once or twice a week.
🤡 If you want to wear a mask whilst having sex, go for it. Some people are into that.

Stay strong.

Let’s cut the head off this snake, but feel free to ignore me/tell me to “fuck off,” if you prefer. Arsed. ðŸ¤£

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