Saturday, 30 January 2021

 30 day ban.

Facebook can't handle the truth, and keep banning's like a badge of honour. Meanwhile, the trolls are out, knowing full well I'm not around to defend myself, they set up their own pages and slag me off,call me names,disscredit my reputation. I saw one earlier saying I have no idea, and how would I feel if I got the flu, or a close family member etc. She should have just named all the ones close to me she wanted dead.

Then their was an old friends who's wet ass fella came down with the flu and had to do a five day stint in one of the flu wards. OMG, she went ape, telling the world her and her husband are in perfect health, and why has it happened to them, and without naming me, said I, and people like me with different opinions are just cunts.

Then last weeks visit to hospital proved me right, as the place was empty. The flu wards are full, and over a hundred suspected cases of the flu are being treated like it's a plague.I actually did my research, walked around, asked questions, did you? A close friend/relative was up there last week,she phoned ahead and told them she would be 10 mins late for an urgent appointment.Upon arrival to an empty waiting room, she was made to wait (as punishment) another 15 mins to see her consultant. This is how they work these days, punish us because they are better, and zero compassion.There are more admin staff in our hospitals than nurses, which can't be right.They will regret treating us like shit, as the NHS has 10 years max left, it's all over.

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