Sunday, 31 January 2021

 Just a bunch of people making rules.

That's my life, listening to people I don't know, and sometimes never even met making rules,laws,regulations for me.It starts from an early age, your parents feed and cloth you, tell you what religion you are, what football team you support, and these days they even influence your gender.

At school, it begins. Aurthority kicks in, and you will obey. Sit here, do this, speak when I say, do as you are told. Refuse to comply, and there are punishments, teachers are subjective and schools are horricic places to be brought up. The system is rigged in their favour, and you fit in or you will fail at school.Teachers have their favourites, and are also bullies, the school system does not work, and torture is the least to expect.

Tv teaches us how to live too, films and documentries,soaps and news....What would we do without these outlets.They tell us how to speak, what to wear, when to react, and right and wrong(their idea of it) You start to see these programes from an early age, and just believe they are right, and never question their honesty.

The government? All set off with great intent, and hope to change the world for the better, but then they are taken over by money and power.Very few stick to their convictions and do the best for their voters, all they care for is the power rush.If they can make a few laws along the way too, it's a feather in the cap.

If you are under the illusion you are free, think again, because it really is a pretend life, and we accept it too easy.No of us are free.

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