Sunday, 31 January 2021

 We all know someone by now.

I know at least four people who have been on a covid ward,however-------They have all survived the killer flu, because that's all it was, the flu. Some of them have milked the NHS, and had a weeks rest. Some have been really poorly, and even convinced themself they have had a near death experience.The fact is, we will never know because no one was allowed to visit, no one will ever know. The NHS has been silenced, and we are not allowed to bring up the subject with our care workers,nurses and doctors. Back in May, I talked to NHS staff who told me it was murder. They said doctors were killing off patients by rolling them, putting them on ventilators etc. Now they has all gone quiet, but they will have to live with their conscience. 

The NHS has had it's day, and private medical care is on its way.We will have emergency treatment rooms, but if you are not special, you will not be treated in future.Hospitals have changed, I walked in mine last year and counted 40 administration before I saw a doctor. I saw filthy floors and full bins in a hospital.These people could not care less for their patients anymore, it's all about the money. Our NHS have a gradeing system to let everyone know who is better than who. I'm a grade 6, I'm a grade 8, I'm just a cleaner etc. They have made everyone work against each other, and you all allow it.

I have noticed our government readying us for what's to come. They are putting private medical adverts all over our media. You may not have noticed them yet, but they are there. The fall of the NHS will happen in my lifetime..............

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