Saturday, 30 January 2021

 What came first, the chicken or the egg?

The age old question, and one that will never be answered. Which makes you wonder, the vaccine or the virus?It seems pharma companies all over the world have been stockpiling the wonder vaccine? Strange, because it was only mentioned last July, and now over a hundred companies around the world have managed to find a cure for the worlds deadliest virus in just 6 weeks. Polio 11 years,HIV still no cure after 40 years,common cold(flu jab) vaccine still kills 70% of recipitants a year, so how have they worked this miracle? 

They managed the science in just a few weeks, which makes me wonder if they knew it was coming,in which case----- the chicken came first lol.So many reports of fatalites from taking the vaccine, and Germans are refusing point blank to take it, maybe they know more about poison? 

The MSM will tell you there is a shortage, the gov.cun will tease you too, but the fact is,they can't get rid of the killer vax, and will find ways to force it on us. They will make you take it if you want to leave the country,go to work, go shopping etc. Our government who claim it's free know they need to get rid of their investment, using our(the taxpayer)money. It is not free, it's our money going in their pockets.

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