Wednesday 2 December 2020

Over the next ten years........

They are playing the long game, and trying to dominate. I have done everything against them, I will not consent,nor comply. As we move into the next decade, more and more laws,restrictions,mandatory,guidelines,rules,regulations will be thrust upon us,and more and more will wake up. They will no longer tolerate their freedom being taken.The older generation(if they have not been kulled)protest at their lack of freedom, and insist on change.They will have names, we all know the truthers,conspitacy theroists,freedom fighters etc, but what will they call the martyr's? These will be the ones they sacrifice on TV, to show the rest of us this shit is real, we will take you down.

Our children are being brainwashed from a very early age, and 24/7 propaganda through their social media will indoctrinate them into the way they should think......We don't stand a chance! I promise I'll never give up, that's why I'm here.

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