Wednesday 2 December 2020


I meet friends in pubs,also in restaurants,music venues,football,shops,markets,malls,gyms,barber shops,coffee shops,chippys,sandwich shops you name it, these are the places we talk to each other. These are also the places we philosophise, we argue, we work things out, we deliberate, we talk, interact. These are the place they do not want us, because there is no record, no timeline, no internet, no digital trace.Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Archimedes would have been found here, because these are people who listened and talked, then gave a point of view.

They don't want us chatting,airing our views, getting together and realising it's not quite right. The beeches will be next, they will say they are the places we contaminate the rest of us. Check back in six months, when they have taken every other freedom, the beeches will be the last. They will find an excuse. But enjoy your xmas dinner,it will be your last.

Just had a call off an old mate.

He had been in hospital for 2 weeks, and told me I should think twice before denying covid is real. He told how it was touch and go wether he went on a ventilator, and how he was not allowed any visitors.I aske dhim how he knew? He said he had tested positive, and this is a real virus.

I asked him why he's such a wet ass, and all he had was a bad cold? Hypercondria runs in his family, and people like you need to be culled. He hung up.
True story.

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