Friday 23 October 2020

In other news.
In the last two weeks, 8(4 from BB) of my very close friends have tested povitive, and some are suffering more than others, but none are bad bad thankfully.They all seem to have mild symptons, which is great..... Just so we are clear on my previous statements about the virus, I never said it was not really(hardly)a virus, I said it was real(most of the time) and to be serious, this shit is real. Good decent hard working friends have shared their experience, and the dozen or so good friends, who have confided in me in the last six months, sorry. I have dismissed most of it through sheer stubboarness, disbeliefe and putting it down to flu when they told me.Even when they said loss of smell or taste had happened, I brushed it aside, but not anymore.SO VERY SORRY YOU GUYS

I'm not suddenly going to change my view, I'll never wear a mask, and still think it's overhyped, but from my own research I have found it's now a cause for a real (small bit of) concern. It's not enough for a national lockdown, or even more draconian laws swept in unnoticed.Masks are still a danger to your health and has be proven over and over, I have posted evidence. The thing is, you won't see that on the MSM, because it goes against their narrative.You will have noticed posts taken down, lenghthy bans, and shadow bans. The system stinks like a rat infested pit, rotten from the top down.If it's not the government, it's the council take take take. We are under constant threat, when we could easilly all get on, without their boundaries.

You can laugh, but I have four fuckin bins? Why should I when one is enough? You can argue we may need two for enviroment issues, but four is a piss take.I remember other things we have all moaned about in the past,(the miners,poll tax,bedroom tax,and many more) but they got their way in the end, and they will again if we give in. We are inslaved more and more each day it seems. Once you could walk these streets safe, but not anymore, we're like the rest of the country, divided.. So sad to see, we need unity in these times, not arguements, we all have a roll to play.The division in parliament shows them for who they really are. In an ideal world, they would have take a 75% cut in salary, they would also shared responsibility and sat around the table together to get us through this virus.. They have said it's the greatest crisis since WW2, so unite? Not a chance, they all wnt infamy, like PolPot,Iddy Amin,Hitler, because the bad boys get you thinking.

Maybe I'm being harsh, but we all have to admit, non of them can do maths like us commoners, lie after lie, fiddle after fiddle.They don't even try to hide it, they love the spotlight, and more are waking up, I just hope its not too late.

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