Sunday 25 October 2020

In the noughties.

Had a great business, the government took it away, end of story.Without boring you with the detail, my business was shut down by our illustrious leaders.
Who are the IMF?HMRC?Bank of England and others, but how do they affect me? At the time, Gordon Brown was making an ass of the country, and selling off our gold, but then we started hearing stories. I had to look the word austerity up? What the hell were they talking about? Something was not right in early 08,I remember The government sending one of their hench men into my firm, and demanding £20k in cash, there and then, or they shut me down, and that's no fairy tale, it happened.
I paid over £5million in tax, and it was never enough.They were like vampires sucking the life out of me.PAYE..VAT..NI are the main ones, but they hide about 25,000 other ones, blood is their lust, and they will get it.
For me, if they had not mentioned a recession, how would we all have known we were going to have one? Because they told us we were. I paid shit loads in tax, and it eventually broke my business.
If you earn a below average £500 a week, £90 goes directly to HMRC from your employer.If you drive, 92% 0f the fuel cost go in tax. If you dare to save, they tax you. If you drink alcohol of smoke, 75% is taxed...I could go on,and on, and on, I really could. They generate a trillion a day in taxes, and they tell us they are struggling to pay for their bar bill.
I once had so much money, I had to ask friends to look after it. It was everywhere hidden all over my house, and you can only go on so many ski holidays in one year, buy crs, cloths etc.I became arrogant, and believed I was invincible, money has that effect on you.I ordered a fucking medium rare, medium I said, now take the fucking thing thing back, you can't get the staff.Tell a french man in his own restaurant he can't cook a steak is a guarenteed recipe for extra spit, and I deserved it.I became less of an asshole, and learned how to use money. Even though I had a turnover of 1 million+, I was only paying myself £200,000pa, which is still a good wage really.
Can you imagine our incumbant politicians looking in the bank, and seeing 100 trillion, and suddenly having a frenzy. I would love to hear stories of the restaurant in the houses of parliament, they must have extra extra spit in there.I could show you a thousand examples of outright disgusting behaviour from our millionair MPs, because they are above the law, but you will have already seen them. Power corrupts, and the amounts of tax money at their disposal is criminal. They just cannot handle it, and even I would freak out.
They argue how to spend it over the dispatch box like a married couple. I want a new dress, you feckin had one last week.....We want to raise taxes, and cut free school meals is the rough translation.I have seen their looks, and body language, they are scum, rats, and need to be dealt with like vermin.
If you have ever wondered how they line their pockets, it's called a government contract. These are awarded to friends and family, or companies they own shares in. Their £100kpa salary is chicken feed. As soon as they relalise how to rob the taxes they do. And yes, all of them thieve from us each day.
Guye Falkes had the right idea.

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