Wednesday 30 September 2020

The meaning of life?

Working out what the virus all about, is a call on your morals. I am desparate to find out the end game, but it could be more sinestra than I can even imagine.The evils of this world know no ends. History remembers the most evil, in a way they are imortal.It's a power struggle, the gov v the increasing numbers of woken.If the woken in us gets more to join our way of thinking, then the government are finished, and this world will be a better place. Let them win, and I fear the worse.

I can see the push for divide, they keep putting on the pressure,more restrictions anounced daily. These just see how far they can push us. Even the maskers are at breaking point right now. Yet still not sure of the end game, and I'm near to the end game.It really is harder to work out the meaning of life, and that tookme months.

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