Wednesday 30 September 2020

Shaken, but not stirred.

Would like to think I never paniced too much back in march, stiff upper lip and all that. But even James Bond turned and looked at the death toll. We all saw the human beings dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan(made up lies), we all saw the nightingale hospitals going up,(never used) and we imagined they were going to be full of dead bodies.
We all know someone, who has a friend, who knows a relitive that heard of someone who's great great gran thinks she had the virus? We all know a medical professional who has told you it's all a big fat lie. 42,000 is the new death toll, however, in this time there have been zero deaths from anything else.I still know no one who has had it?

You would have to be brain dead to overlook the the made up maths from our great leaders. They now count cases not deaths, and we all know they are desparate and even lie about them.I'm sick of seeing my friends lose their businesses, pubs empty,malls empty. No one knows the rules, and even Boris gets it wrong. They are threatening big fines, they are employing marshials to enforce fines. Everyone has been subjected to rules which take us out of the comfort zone, and it's too much.

These are lies of the highest calibre, from our elected leaders. Enough is enough for me, I will never forget their filthy cheating scaremongering ever. I will never vote for them again.The new normal is yours, you can have it, I've had enough of saving sheep, and wearing a mask is saying I give up, I comply, you have got me. Well you say it, I never will.It's like playing monopoly with my uncle Charlie, zero chance of winning because he made different rules each time we played, AKA cheating.

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