Monday 21 September 2020

Prefects and bullies.

Absolutely hated school, can't remember a good day, but many horrid ones,this pandemic reminds me of those days.The teachers(politicians) were child haters, then there were the bullies(police), and worse of all the prefects(maskers). Give these people a badge, and a name, prefect, and they turn into power crazy nut jobs. No one liked the prefects, they were authorised bullies.
Fasten your blazer, do your tie up, walk faster, stop running? Just a few of the power crazy orders screamed at you by your so called peers. They had heard their teachers preaching, shouting orders, and copied them with an extra dose of vitriol.
These people loved a little bit of power, and went into careers in traffic wardenry. The country is like a big school, the politicians are the teachers, and the dogooders are the bully prefects.They were wrong back then, and they are wrong now. Common sense is all we need, and being told what to do was not always right back then, and it's not right now.Power crazy ego maniacs are everywhere, taking a knee,wearing a mask,being a do gooder.Do these things, but leave me to do my thing, I'm well informed and have researched enough to know.My school did a great job radying me for the real world, in my first job I asked if it was okay to go to the toilet? I was afaid to look the landlord in the eye,the BBC patrol detecor vans still terrorised us. The schools taught us to be subservient, and we fucking were.
My days of being bullied are long gone.It's all about control.

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