Tuesday 22 September 2020

Buffalo soldiers.

If you know your history, then you'll know where we're heading to.The pictures coming from Oz showing marshial law, public executions(nearly) total lockdowns are a test case for how far they can push us. Boil the frog, slowly slowly they are taking every freedom away, and we are slaves. Some of you are lucky, and getting on with your lives. Maybe you can work from home, maybe your home is big enough to carry on as normal for now. Spare a thought for the majority of the UK, where most have no room to swing a cat. The suicide rate is up to 1000 a week, and that pisses all over the 3 per week with actual covid, or a bad flu?

I saw some brave people in town today, maskless, and being challenged, but still refusing to comply.Why would they bankrupt the world? How will they benefit? This does not have any effect on our political elete, they will sit in their ivory towers making bets that they can make us all do stupid shit. Watch them clap lol, watch them kneel lol,watch them get tested,take a vaccine,stay home when we order them to,rush out to buy loo roll,make them wear masks, keep 2m apart.One senior MP wanted us all to stand at our front doors and salute, but we must stand on one leg. Boris said that's pushing them too far, but maybe in a couple of months we will try it, after all, they will do as we say anyhow.

We all know who they are making these BS rules up. We all need to make plans to punish these inhuman people.

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