Tuesday 8 September 2020

On 3 Sep 2020, at 13:53, "narsiccus@outlook.com" <narsiccus@outlook.com> wrote:

The multinationals.

We used to get bills. Gas,Electric,Water,council tax,Car insurance,Home insurance,TV,Phone and many more. How nice is it that they can all be rolled into one? Well almost. We're not quite there yet, but bills being clubbed together is a worry. Too many companies offer your bills rolled up in a neat little bundle and paid to one company. If this does not set alarm bells ringing, it should.Think about the power they will have when you eventually just have one bill?

Esso,Barclays,Asda to name a few. These massive companies control our every move.Back in the 70s, shopping was different. There were shops all over, bakers,shoe shops, butchers,TV shops,toy shops all down the high street. They were all owned by different people, and all charged different prices. We shopped around for the best deals, and spent our money where we got the best value. Then slowly they disappeared because they could not compete with the multinationals. In my town, there were a hundred petrol stations, all run by one man, one family, all owned by different human beings. They all bought their fuel for one price, and charged what they thought was right, not anymore. Now there are 10, and they all charge the same price. We no longer have choice, we pay what they decide. The small stations no longer compete with the big boys, and we accept our fate. The same with the supermarkets. The power they have to buy goods at knock down prices is impossible to compete with. A corner shop could buy 20 tins of beans for £10,(50p a tin) and sell them on for £20, but Asda,Morrisons,Sainsburys ect can buy 20,000 tins of beans for 20p a tin, and wipe out competition. They can do this with every product, by buying large amounts, and selling cheap. They don’t just sell food, they now sell TVs,cloths,beer,towels,medicine,insurance,perfume and a million other products, and no one can match their prices. This is great for the consumer, but it’s put 1000s of small businesses under, because they just cannot compete. I saw a film with Stallone in it, he goes into the future. Tacobell was the only restaurant because they said who needs more? Only one bank, one supermarket,one water supplier, one everything, and all owned by one person? Is this where we are heading? Is this the kind of world we want to live in? The UK government have a failsafe, it’s called the mergers and monopoly commission. They are supposed to prevent this type of thing ever happening, but have failed. Banks take over banks, Tesco,Asda,Waitrose and the rest will all be one big happy family soon, and we will have no choice where we shop, what we eat. Bank after bank buys each other out, and there will be one petrol station in the country. At least we have a choice when we buy a mobile phone.Siemans,Ericcson,Motorola,Nokia,Blackberry,telefunken, Sagem,AEG,Sanyo? OOOOOPS, where the hell did they go? At least we have a choice, there’s 02,EE......can you see where I’m going with this yet?


Wages change.


I remember the transition from cash to card, and embraced it. I worked in a paper mill, 86/7 I think? The foreman came round and informed us they may need our bank details. Of the 150 workforce, half did not have an account, and more than half did not want it paid into their bank. This was the 80's, and real men kept some back for a rainy day, aka beer tokens. It caused a stink, but a few weeks later, and a few bribes, we no longer made our way to the office, picked up our brown envelope then went through our ritual.

We all counted the contents, we all made sure they had got their sums right. Walking back to your station, you would hold up your pay slip and cash as a symbol. Back at base, you would store pay slip, divide money into what she see's and what you tuck away, and in more than one pocket, just in case she asks. Women would occasionally without warning, enforce a spot check. Okay , lets see your wallet then...… I swear, I only kept £30, I promise, but she would insist.So,you open it, and show £25, but she still ain't happy, where's the other £5? Well?.....I put some petrol in the car ffs, do you want the receipt? I can see a note in that pocket.....omg, as you reach inside, and produce the £5 petrol receipt.You know by now you're safe, there is no way she is gonna check your back left and right, with £15 in each, ha.

The thought of being like the posh people, those with the special cards who are better than us, well that just excited me, I want one. When the wish was granted, and I realised, there was no way to hide your wage anymore, it sunk in.Then came bank charges, and no one warned you about these. The working class suddenly had access to it all, overdraughts,bank loans,credit cards and we loved it, until...….Then the charges went up, and punishments were severe. Banks had powers, they were in league with the devil. Boom and bust was just the tip of the iceberg, they had bigger plans than just taking back thousands of homes, from desperate families whom they cohersted into massive debt.

They need dirty money, so how do they do this? A cashless society is the aim, and we hear talk most days. We also know trials are being carried out in some countries. One way to push their agenda would be making us think our money carries germs, or covid 19 thrives of cash, and they suggest just for 6 months, we advise use of card payment, were ever possible. Not an out right order, but a strong recommendation, knowing full well, no one will touch cash anymore, and all the while thinking, well it's only six months?????

Just for the record. I worked 70+hours a week and she got 75%, she also had affairs whilst I was on nights, so I deserve a few beers.

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