Wednesday 16 September 2020

It's breaking my heart.

The amount of friends that are ready to give up their rights for a made up virus. I know for a fact they are lying to us, they are brainwashing the masses, and the masses are turning a blind eye. I have seen friends look away, turn and pretend they have not seen you. I'm ashamed, and happy that I'll never have to acknowledge these sheeple again. A second lockdown is iminent,forced vaccines are being readied, and for what? 

They have butchered our elderly, broke the NHS,lied to all of us. Their control of the media has proven priceless in manipulation of the sheep.They just want to be ordered and told what to do, and it's heartbreaking. The Governments around the globe have an agenda, and it's to keep us down.I feel helpless and alone in these unpressedented times. I just need hope, and the ability to help my family survive the tyrany.

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