Wednesday 16 September 2020

I was a swat at school.

I remember asking my maths teacher for extra homework during the 6 weeks holidays. I said to him, please give me some difficult equasions to solve, and that's when the bullying started lol. I honestly think I can solve any puzzle, conundrum, but I have to say, the virus is a hard one. Every MSM outlet is now making people afraid to miss out on the test, the test which we have been told does not work, is not accurate. They are scaring us into a frenzy, making people fight for a test, just like they fought for toilet paper.
How stupid are the human race, racing for a test that does nothing. I have encountered many terrified friends, and it's no wonder with the media telling them everyday, you are going to die. They talk of a second wave, yet the first wave has been proven to be false, with 385 UK deaths in the lockdown, which the bastards manipulated into 40,000 somehow.
All the time new laws are being brought in, more than nazi germany did, and we let them. I'm fighting for my children, and will fight to the death. Pity I will have to slay sheep as well as the tyranical government.They are pushing us further than ever before, and there is little resistance.
1789 was a great year for the French
1605 was almost a revolution for us.
Stand up, be counted, time is running out.

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