Monday 24 August 2020

The new normal.

Who could have imagined 6 months ago becoming a slave? If on the 1st of March we were all told we would be under house arrest,we would be forced to clap,take a knee,wear a mask,have a vaccine, not be allowed to stay with loved ones,even when they pass,queue 2m apart for food,be fined for not doing as you are told?
Thank god those things never happened on the 1st of March--- well, not all at once anyway. They fased them in bit by bit, and everyday they will bring in new laws and legistlatory conditioning. Just think about it, all the new laws brought in in one day? We would have gone bat shit crazy, but they drip fed us, and now look at the mess we are in.
In the pipeline we have marshial law, mass unemployment, soring suicide rates,a lawless society,forced vaccinations. When the prisons get too full, we will have state sponsered executions on the streets, for petty crimes like feeding your family.


Saw an very interesting documentry.

Some guy asking this doctor type woman about complicity. She may have been a phycologist, but she had clearly done some research.Ask yourself, have you ever turned a blind eye?It may start at home, or on the playground, in school? We have all been faced with a wierd situation, and most people deal with it the same way(it may be in our DNA)that does not include me.

Savoy pool hall,1982
I was having a game with friends, when I noticed a fight/argument between a couple. They were a simular age,(17) and very loud. I saw the guy push and shove the girl, and looked at my friends who had become very shy and quiet. What the fec, guys, we need to sort this, guys, come on I said. At which point, Harry, the elder hustler said, Neil, just leave them to it, it's none of our business.I went over anyway,(alone) grabbed the guy, and pushed him away from the girl. His friends surrounded me, and to my surprise, his GF punched me first and screamed leave my BF alone you fecin bully? Punches were exchanged, and I went back to my mates, shaken, but not stirred. Harry had tha I told you so face on him, and I learned a lesson. The couple waited outside for me, and with the help of 20 or so friends, I left the pool hall alone, to a barrage of punches and abuse, as they were waiting outside.100 people in the pool hall, and I was the only one who stuck my nose in, when it was clearly not my business.
Blackburn to darwen train.
I saw a guy on a train, maybe 5 years back,he was hassling some young kids.I'd just had an op, and could hardly walk,so no heroics this time, I just went over and shielded them until they got off the train. The train was packed, but no one wanted to get involed.
Poker at the casino,
It's a mans game, and you gota take the knocks.But giving the staff abuse whilst you are losing is not nice, and often goes unpunished, unless I'm at the table. I could not care less how much of a drug dealing gangsta you is, I'm not going to allow it, and that gets me in trouble.

The doctor was talking about other examples of complicity.She said she was at a party, and several people noticed a man cuddling a child, but he appeared to have an erection? What does one do she said? We could be wrong, it may be a fold in his pants, we might be getting it wrong. Everyone chose to ignore it, and that's what people do.

She gave an example of coming out of a club late one night, and seeing a man staggering and peeing in front of them? Minor offence, but still annoying, and she chose to walk away, say nothing, as did the rest of the people leaving.

We want to pretend, and hope we are wrong. It's not our job, who are we? We could be wrong?We have a gut feeling, but the majority are wearing a mask, and you just wanna fit in.It will be too late soon, and my gut feeling tells me this is just the start, as we are going to be tested to our limits. You can continue to comply, and you will be the first to suffer. Or you could begin to ask questions.

What was the name of the dude?

The guy who stood outside parliament and screamed, Stop Brexit? I think I have just seen him driving around Ewood. He was in a big van with one of those neon adverts on the side. It said things like..........
Wear a mask,
take the vaccine,
follow the rules
and other gov messages that kept flashing. I wonder who pays this guy £200 a day to drive around with hate messages on his van?
If I tried to hire him, and flash messages like......
The virus is fake,
You're all sheep,
Masks kill,
Wake the F up?

I doubt I would be allowed to get one day before I was sent to the gulags.

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