Wednesday 12 August 2020

I met a strange lady.

She made me nervous.Anyway, this was back in the 80's, and I'll never forget her.I'd missed my train, and had to wait another hour at the station, as I needed to catch the boys up on a 21st to Preston.
Could not get a beer, so sat in the cafe and had a brew.Our eyes met, as they do, and eventually we got chatting. She was in mint condition for her age, and she told me it was her birthday.She had a bit of an accent, and I like to ask questions. It turns out she had survived the holocost? Not really had much idea what this was, but she seemed keen to explain.She had been liberated from a death camp(not Ausawits) and at my age, 25ish, I really was not that interested in an old bird telling about the trauma.
But then it got interesting, she talked of hidden gold, and it's location. Then she explained, she had hidden her identity up until 1944, then they found her, and she was sent straight to the death camps. How did you know they were death camps?She told me everyone knew by then.
She told me how a German family had pretended she was related, and covered for her, but then a neighbor returned wounded, and that was that. She went back to her home after the war, a place called Damemark, near Berlin.She said not one of the German people could look her in the face, and the family that had protected her were gone. The injured soldier begged her forgiveness, and cried real tears. He has lost both legs, and an arm, so she decided to give that look, and walk away.
The ones she talked to all cried, and lots were made to visit the death camps. All said the same thing, if only! If only we had stood up, if only we had done more, if only we had fought? They are all paying the price of complicity now she said, they will never sleep well again.She was born in 1929, and must have seen some horrid things, lots she would never talk of, but her memory of the (maskers) do as you are told, follow the rules, wear a mask, and allow tyranny lives with her.
So, when you wear your mask, do as you are told remember, your children will suffer, and you will never sleep in peace again. You are the problem, and you will bring the world to it's knees. Comply or die, I'll always choose the later!

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