Wednesday 26 August 2020

My work here is done.

Was in town yesterday, maskless, and unchallenged. I was stopped a couple of times by maskers asking what does the TAKE THE RED PILL tshirt mean. I gave them 5 minutes, and gently explained, all in all, I talked to about 5 blue pillers, and explained.
Woke up this morning around 7.15am to messages from all 5 of them. One girl said it's more than her jobs worth, but the other 4 were all converts. They went home that day, and watched a couple of links I told them about. I actually gave them a dozen links, but the ones they watched were enough.
I never rammed it in their face, I never got irrate, I never pushed my agenda, I allowed them to convert.One of them even wants to know when the next secret meeting is, and can he attend? Each day, more and more are waking up, and seeing the government for what they are.
So many on here are of the same frame of mind, but take a step back, and think about what, and how you do things. The blue pillers don't want you screaming in their face, they are asleep, and you need to wake them slowly.They tend to be in their bubble, and going in with a needle and popping it is not the way, wake them up nice and easy, let the air out slowly. Do not tell them to watch the strawman first or fall of the cabal, they ain't ready. Ease them in with actual facts, and show them the media are liars, they will work out the rest on their own.You would not feed a baby fillet stake,give them a milk, and work up to the things we can't unsee. These days, I just agree with maskers who want to argue, who believe it's right to allow child abuse, and state sponsored at that. If they want to believe the NHS is safe etc, let them, and let them go. These are mostly ill educated people anyhow.Pity them.

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