Wednesday 15 July 2020

There is nothing normal, about the new normal.
Monday morning, I was at the hospital for a physio appointment. I went through the old way to the back entrance where I was stopped by security and told to use the main entrance. I refused and forced my way past the 6ft+ guy dressed in black, who only allowed me in after radioing the main gate. Then asked to wear a mask as I got inside, again I refused.
Went to the Willows earlier, and was asked to sanitize my hands before I went in, I refused. Went to my favorite pie shop, and was refused entry unless I had a mask on.My local pub need ID, and only conform because of the Landlord.
If anyone thinks this is okay, then they can stick the new normal up their ass. I will not comply. The more we give, the more they will take. Wake up, refuse the new guidelines, because they are not laws.

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