Wednesday 15 July 2020

History repeats.

Would not have liked 1930's Germany too much, because changes were coming.A guy called Geobbels was in charge of the media(sky,BBC,ITN,C4,CNN,CBBs,Sun,STAR,Mirror,Guadian,Times) And he explained the truth about the jews, along with the romanies, and of course the filthy poofters. He made it clear they were evil, he also made the indigenous people understand, they come over here, they take our jobs, and women.He also explained it was time for change..
After years of media barrage, the German people had had enough, and a fake news assassination prompted KRYSTALNACT, 1938 German official's looked the other way whilst jewsish property was destroyed. It was clear the jews were a problem, and if the government are not prepared to step in, then the german people will.....They had heard enough to make them act alone, the propaganda had done it's job.

Hitler demanded action, and the people responded. The people suggested they should identify these parasites with the MOGEN DOVID,star of david, hust so we could differensiate.They are said to have trialed face masks, but went back to the star, worn on the left breast, later tatoo's.These none germanic scum were clearly a threat to the arian way of life, and most(behind closed doors) believed work camps were the way forward.

Germany became a police state, the Gestapo and the SS backed the Police, and the public willingly did as they were instructed, because it was for their own safety.
Stay home-Do not Trust Jews-Report crime--- was one of the three phase slogans used to instruct. Phycologist used them to imprint on the brain the message, a little like..
STAY AT HOME-SAVE LIVES-PROTECT THE NHS.The implication was if you did not, you were part of the problem.

Hitler imposed lockdowns in preparation for the blitze, he knew those dirty Englanders were ready to attack. Slowly he achieved his goal, and the death camps became essential parts of german life, and yes, everyone knew what they were used for.At first they thought they were going away to be vaccinated, but the german people realised the camps were needed for the fight, and were accepted.

Artistic license was used,but can anyone see a similarity? Wear a mask if you like, but don't force me to follow.This is just the start, do research, think for your self, wake up.

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