Tuesday, 9 February 2021

 Be afraid people, because I am.

Talking to several care home workers, family members and friends, and they all tell me the same thing,we are in the biggest con in history, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I like to do my research before I make assumptions, so here are a few facts. Care home workers are made to change PPE each time they go into a different room. 5 day staff and 3 night staff in one care home would use ........................................wait for it........................390,220 in one year. That is not sustainable, and the pressure is making the situation harder and harder.I have worked in a care home(mental health) and people are not looked after very well, and even worst these days with the flu virus panic all over.One care home not too far away locks the elderly in their rooms, another is under threat of closing because of reports of abuse. You can laugh, you can turn a blind eye, but this is coming to all of us. 

We all need to come together and put an end to this, our government could not care less, so it's up to us. We need to do this now if we want to die with any dignity. This is our goverments responsibility, but they are too busy lining their pockets, and couldn't give a toss about our OAPs. This is why they are killing them off with a BS virus.

Act now, or it will be you next.

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