Friday 13 November 2020

Oasis said it best.

There's so many things that I would like to say to you, but I am not allowed? Maybe, you're gonna try and save me. There are certain things I'm no longer aloud to say, and some people are more than ready to stop me talking, gags at the ready. There are so many places I am not allowed to go to either, certain shops where I'm not welcome. Covid marshalls are everywhere, and not all are paid members. Some marshalls just use their special powers, tutting, shaking their heads, treating me like I'm dieased and like I'm nuclear active the way they step back, and  look away and try and crawl into a freezer when I pas by. I've even seen them turn and walk away? We all have to remember these people are brainwashed, and they call me tin foil hatters.How far can we go?  When will all the trouble end? When we all fight each other, because that's what they want.
For millenia, they have divided us through religion, colour,politics etc, because if we had any harmony, we would see they are evil. I watch aggog as they milk evey penny out of us, and tell us to thank them for the privilage. They teach children subservience, and they bring their teachings into adult life.It does not take  rocket scientist to see the whole cabinet have invested in the vaccine, as have their friends and family. They will live with our billions off a vaccine that will kill, or at best do nothing. Then they will tell us we need two doses every year(forever) to line their pockets. How could our leaders be more evil than Pol Pot,Hitler,Idi Amin, and lots more we could dig up.
To me, it's all so clear. I watch in horror as the masses ignore all the signs, all the obvious lies. Talking to an old mate who's from Iraq, he told me things are looking bad here, and after 31 years in the UK, he is thinking of moving somewhere else, because it reminds him of Saddam Hussians regime back then. It breaks my heart to see so many lambs going to the slaughter.....But they can fuck off if they think I'm being sacrificed too.

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