Monday 16 November 2020

Free vaccines?

I did say it 6 months ago, something was not quite right about the whole pandemic. People kept asking what have they got to gain, why would they do this? Well it's clear now, our entire goverment have invested in PPE and vaccines, and they tell us it's free.This is a complete lie, the tax payer will foot the bill for something that does not work, and may even cull half the population. When the men we trust tell us we need a vax, we need it twice a year, and it will be free, something stinks. 
They are set to make billions on the tax payer, and we will pat them on the back and say thanks for screwing us. How stupid are we, we need to stop this insanity.They all have major share holdings in vaccine companies, and they will force everyone to take them, and covertly pay for them.We think it's free, but our tax money is filling their pockets, which makes them safe, and us unsafe.
All the time the divide grows, and they will turn us against each other more and more. Those filthy truthers, the non maskers are causing all really can't make it up. We should all look back at hitlers propaganda machine, it turned friends on each other in a short space of time. The hard working jews became social parias in just a few years, and were hated enough to be butchered by once friends.
Many friends approach me and tell of people they know dying of covid. When I ask their age, thier health, they go on the defence and make excuses. I still do not know a single victim of the virus. I do know of OAPs who died alone, and had test positive within the past 28 days lol. This does not mean they had the virus when they died, nor does it mean that caused their death, but it does mean the numbers go up.50,000 in the UK, but no one has died of anything else?No vaccine known to man has ever worked, but it has killied millions.

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