Wednesday 11 November 2020

Cut your own nose off.

Went into town to ask about a market stall and was accosted by 3 couincil staff.They told me I should be wearing a mask, and respect others, and then told me it was law. I told them it was not the law, and wearing a mask is the worse thing they can do, and it's they who are germ spreaders.The fact they think it's law in the first place is pure ignorance, and what gives them the right to argue with me? We have allowed these covidiots to become police, and they think it's their job to enforce "laws" that do not exist. Maskers are dangerous germ spreading idiots, and are killing others. Ishould have asked how often they change their knickers, and let them let the thought sink in.
When I asked in Preston, and other markets will we be okay to set up on the 2nd of December, I was told we would not until the 3rd? Why, why why, it ends on the 2nd, but to be sure, we will wait till the 3rd? Cutting their own noses off, laying down and allowing the government to dictate,just to be on the safe side. 

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