Tuesday 10 November 2020

Astra Zenica.

It's a xmas miracle, and Astra Zenica have saved us all.It took 25 years to develop a flu vaccine, but these chaps have saved the day, and developed a vaccine from scratch in just 6 months.The covid vax will require two shots, so it's double money for for the share holders. Boris,Matt,Pritti,Micheal and others have by a stroke of great luck invested heavily in their shares recently, and are set to make billions. I have to congratulate their great fortune.
The vax does nothing, because they have convinced us the virus is real. They will go down in history as hero's, and retire on their billions, of tax payer money. They will of course tell us it's free, but that's a massive lie. The cost of the vaccination is £37 a time, this includes everything. The cost of admin, transport,poison etc. The major share holders are all in paliament, and will happily allow the vax company to send the tax payer the bill, for a bullshit vaccine that does nothing, and the sheep will beg for it.

You can't make this shit up

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