Monday 2 November 2020

AIn town earlier.

It's hard to find a smile on anyones face, with the blackest of clouds over our heards.Wearing masks, or standing up to them, either side of the fence you must realise by now this is wrong.Chatting to one guy, he tells me no flights after Thursday? He just came back from the canaries, and he told me mask wearing was very strict, and enforced. The islands are covid free, but the mainland is high on infections. The masks work on an island, but not mainland?
The entire economy is on its ass over there, and we will be brought to out knees soon.
The end of the furlogh on Friday saw mass redundancies nationwide, but Saturdays announcements could have saved thousands of jobs, if only they had told us the sceme was going to continue??????Maybe I'm a sinical bastard, but do you think they did it on purpose?
He will cripple this country, Take the red pill.

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