Sunday 11 October 2020

Talked to a nurse earlier.

She explained the hospital is getting busy with more cases. She told me the virus is real, she also said she had it, and it's worse than the flu.She was sincere and convincing.
Messaged another nurse later and explained what I had been told. She told me, IT'S ALL BOLLOX! She implied we are being lied to, and she was fed up.
Tomorrow see's new laws coming in from our media.Gone are the days when the government made the rules, we listened, and the media reported on it.It's all back to front these days, the media tell us, and then the government follow their rules.
I'm as confused as anyone, but I am sick of the media running the country.Boris just seems to be doing as he is instructed by the media, even told by them when and where he gives out their rules. 3pm and 6pm tomorrow is when he will tell us of the 3 tier scheme. Why he bothers, because we already know what will happen because the media have told us. The tale is wagging the dog, and Boris will do as he is told.
Too many people are running our lives,scientists,media,covid marshals,MPs,and none have a clue. One thing is certain, Boris will never surprise anyone, he is a puppet of the press, Thatcher was no ones fool, and would never have put up with the press, nor would she have scientific "experts"running her country.

Just posted this on Facebook, if they are as I suspect, monitoring my posts, Boris may surprise us in the next few weeks.

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