Thursday 29 October 2020

I think I know the answer?

Why don’t doctors tell you to take magnesium instead of stool softeners(which dehydrates the bowel)?
Why don’t doctors tell you to change your diet when you have heart burn and indigestion instead of you taking Prilosec(this causes more heartburn and colon cancer and osteoporosis and leaves food fermenting in your body)?
Why don’t doctors tell you HERBS heal? That food heals??
Why don’t doctors tell you to lower toxic chemicals in your home and when you have constant headaches and allergies(these fragrance and chemicals cause toxic buildup in our cells cause more allergies and headaches)?
Why aren’t you informed by your doctor that if you eat a grapefruit everyday, it will lower your blood pressure naturally and you don’t need (this is why a person can’t eat it while on blood pressure meds)?
Why doesn’t your doctor tell you to take activated charcoal for headaches, bloating/gas, skin issues, colds, food poisoning(activated charcoal bonds waste/toxins for the removal from the body)?
Why don’t doctors tell you about herbs and herbal teas to support immune and digestive functions(different herbs help different organs do their jobs to keep the body healthy)?
Why isn’t your doctor suggesting that you take a probiotic daily(this boost immune function, helps clean and balance the bowel, helps regulate absorption and elimination, keeps colds and allergies at bay)?
Why don’t your doctors provide you with any information on your vaccines before you inject yourself or child(they don’t disclose that there are aborted baby cells, cow cells, African monkey cells and dog cells, along with many other horrible adjuvants like mercury and aluminum and formaldehyde.... none of which are health beneficial to the body)?
Why don’t doctors create diet/lifestyle plans for patients instead of offering a pill(diet and lifestyle choices are 90+% of all illness)?
Why don’t doctors teach the importance of breastfeeding instead of telling you formula is acceptable(breast milk is the natural immunity holder, it adapts to what a child needs at each individual feeding, it is the ONLY thing that build an immune system in a baby)?
Why don’t doctors tell you to take supplements to boost your health prior to be coming sick and then they recommend (supplements/herbs/tinctures can all prevent illness by boosting immune function and supporting organs with their natural functions)?
Why don’t doctors teach you that you emotions store in your physical body and can cause you mental anguish, instead the say you need a (emotions can play a very significant roll in our total health, without tools to help navigate our emotions we can easily become physically ill)?
Why don’t doctors tell you when they take a whole organ from your body, that you’re still going to suffer you just will suffer in a new way(organs are all useful, we need them for many reasons, and most organs can be healed completely without removing anything)?
Why don’t doctors take a real role in helping people to live better lives? Why do they set up these protocols of pills that most of them wouldn’t even take? Why aren’t we being helped to be healthy before we get sick?
This needs to change! Healing is here, and possible! We just aren’t getting the right information from the people we were taught to trust!

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