Thursday 24 September 2020

The drugs don't work.

Must have counted 50 different types of mask this morning. My fav was the adidas in blue.Kudos to one woman with the selfridge mask, clearly the most expensive one in town. Out of the 50+masks I saw, how many do you think actually comply with government official RVV3558.BS standards? How many have been tested in a laboratory? How many prevent the spread of the virus?
I asked an official scientific adviser for the government, and she explained.....none.Not a single one do anything except cover your identity,make it hard to breath, and show your compliance, and that's from a senior government scientific advisor.Richard Ashcroft said it best, the masks don't work, they just make things worse, but I know I'll see your face again.
There are different types of maskers, the ones who wear them in their car, and wear them to bed, and buy designer masks, and frown upon others for not wearing one, and idiot joggers in masks make me puke. Then there are those who feel they want to fit in, they know the science is all over, but why risk it? then there are those who's jobs depend on it, and comply just to fit in.I'm not hung like an elephant, but I have a memory like one, and will remember every single one.We are weeks away from the Ozzy model, if you don't know whats going on in Victoria, you need to find out quick. The entire place is under marsial law, public executions are common. People are paid to grass on friends. Draconian is the tip, wake up, have a look what they are doing in westernised country.

My mate has just been to my house, he had been on a bike ride. Come in I said, but he refused because he said he would get a 1k fine if he did? this is mad.


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