Saturday 19 September 2020

365 times a year.

They said it was gonna be raining.
I was supposed to be playing golf today, but it's pissing down.
We are going to have an heatwave.
It's forecast snow, get your sleds ready.

These are just a few examples of bad weather forecasting, and what I and many others have said.A general rule I use is, red shy at night.I would say, 30% of the time, they get it wrong, and they tell some whoppers.They have the cheek to do 7 day forecasts, and people still fall for it.

I dated a meteorologist,I think that was what she was? She had ambitions to get on TV, but think she is down London now, working in advertising for Satchi n Satchi. She went to some posh uni, and studied the weather for 5 years of her life, and this is what she told me.

Weather is unpredictable, and 6 hours is the maximum we can actually predict,after that, it's all educated guess work.She went on to compare the butterfly affect. One moment everything is normal, then for some reason the wind will change in south America, and the whole planets weather system is upside down. Micheal Fish in the 80s fell foul to the 6 hour rule, and if I recall, many lives were lost.

In another world, on another planet, this would not be allowed to happen, they would only have weather forecasting with a caveat, or a health warning to go along the bottom of the screen. Something like the best of our guesswork, tomorrow will be simular to today, fingers crossed. But they don't, and we still believe every word they say. We even make plans on their advice, so why does Mistic Meg not get a shot at reading the weather?

The point I'm making is this.We have become santised towards the media, and we tend to trust whatever they tell us. The lying weather people,meteorology v astrological because they are all fake news.
And so is the MSM, they lie lie lie, and we take it in. The example above is true, and you can do your own research into this. Please do not listen to the MSM, they are the most evil people on the planet.

It's all about control.

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