Saturday 22 August 2020

The greatest crisis known to man.

Our leaders would have you believe nothing in our history has every threatened the world like the virus? People are so afraid, they walk around in masks, we are in lockdown, the world may end.

In other news, our great leaders are all on holiday....what does that tell you? That's correct, they have all took a summer break.

I don't want to change the world, just England.

Been to a couple of meetings recently, to learn about Magna Carta. At first it was mindblowing, the dates, the laws, the information overload.Then I realised, we are all living a lie, we are being blindfolded, and we need to waken. The monarchy and the government are bullies, and we have more rights than we realise. The meetings are covert, and shielded from the media, and exciting in a way we only learn late on where the venue is on the day,bit like my raving days.
1215AD was historic when the magna carta gave us all the same rights, we became equals. The law applied to royalty and the common man in the same way, we were soverign.There is so much more to it than this, but I'm hoping to arrange a meeting here soon, and hoping more will take the oath.We can be in control of our own destiny, we can change the world for the better.

I interviewed maskers today.
I was polite, and just wanted to know why they are doing what they are, and here's their reply's

A couincil worker said, if I did not have this on(as he pointed to his badge) I would not be wearing one.
A fully grown man said, yes, it's fecin mad init?
An old lady said, It gets me out of breath?
A young girl said, I'm doing it for my kids. They also had masks on.
Another fully grown man said, ffs just do as you are told.
A middle aged woman said, I still don't know anyone who had c19?

Mixed reactions, but the general consensus was people have had enough.

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