Monday 10 August 2020


My ex girlfriend is a nurse, and here's what she and her best friend told me several weeks ago. Neil, something is not right, it stinks at RBH. She said she works on a cv19 ward, and it's not right.

We were often instructed to roll elderly patients, knowing full well, this would result in death.
We were told if it takes more than 2 people to lift a patient, send them to Chorley.
We could see, ventilators were a death sentence.
We all knew, the death rates were being fiddled.

Then a friend sent me this.....
Neil I've pm'd you re OAP deaths post and because I don't want to splash it all over fb as its sensitive information and although it wasn't given in confidence the person telling me knows I'm fiercely private myself and not likely to repeat.
Young nurse. Qualified 2 years ago. Based RBH on a covid ward. At that time there were 8 patients all over 80 years old, the eldest was a 96 year old gentleman. All had other health issues. My nurse and her colleagues were specifically told to give only a set amount of oxegen to these patients. Let's say the right amount to save life was 85, these nurses were instructed to give no more than 82. My nurse as young as she is, challenged the Dr's but to no avail. So she ignored the instruction and upped the oxegen anyway, the man was dying and with no family around him. She is now facing disciplinary and is distraught.

Make no mistake, this is murder.

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