Tuesday 11 August 2020

Fully grown men.

I have seen fully grown men in masks, some alone in their car, then I realised, we're all screwed. Just been in town, and the place was empty. The stall holders are helpless, they must obey the guidelines, obey and watch their businesses crumble before their eyes.
I'll never wear a mask, I'll never comply. I'll support local business where I can.Maskers have no idea whats to come, as they are responsible for collapsing our economy, they are to blame. I have said, some are genuinely scared, some don't know any better, and some just want to fit in. Well you are responsible for breaking the back of the economy, you are to blame, you will face your god, or with luck, a Nuremberg type of inquest, with death penalties for the ones who did as they were told, it's for our own good, just follow the guidelines, why argue,it's for our safety. These people will be put on trial first I expect

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