Wednesday 22 July 2020

To all you mums.
To all you grandparents too, seriously think about the children in the coming months. We are coming to terms with at best mistaken figures from the pandemic, another way of putting it is outright lies.Either way, the figures are fake. The second wave has been telegraphed by the media for months, and my sources(who don't want to be named) who are high ranking Navy, and government officials (refused to go on camera) have confirmed the second wave is due to hit us in September.
This second wave will be brutal, and children are at high risk this time, and of course the elderly will be wiped out. The world will never see a more devastating pandemic unleashed. When I say unleashed, that is what the plan is as the gov official explained, they are hoping for 2 billion infected,and 25 million deaths...yes deaths this time, and the UK have the honour of the 1st spread.Heathrow will be where the virus is set free, and planes to every destination will carry the infected passengers.
Make no mistake he told me, the world will be begging for the vaccine, and that's their plan.Wear a mask if you want to, it won't make a difference to any of the plans we have, the masks do not work.
They do help government statisticians calculate the number of vaccines needed. We already know, 61% of the population wear, or will wear a mask if ordered to do so.After phase 2, we expect the figure to rise to 67.37% at which point, we can force and mandate the vaccine.The high ranking navy officer confirmed this, and also confirmed marshial law is readied. They expect March 2021 to have the country on lockdown, with shoot to kill orders i n place for looters, and anyone out of line.This of course will differ in other countries, but marshial law is coming. They both told me they thought phase 1 was a practice run, and practise makes perfect? These people were once my very close friends, and still call me occasionally, but they have clearly got issues. I asked why would you even think of this as okay? Orders are orders, and that's all they have.Forget petty stuff like cashless society,pizzagate, microchipping us and other conspirasist theories, this will happen, and they will be forgotten.
Remember this, I hope I am wrong, I hope it never happens, but the children will be targeted this time.Is it too late to make a stand? Are you ready to be controlled?Has any of you any fight?
You have been warned.

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