Tuesday 14 July 2020

Made a mistake, and watched the news.
When the bastard Boris announced lockdown on the 23rd of March, I crashed my car because I was so angry. Last night at midnight, I watched in horror as more nazi like measures were announced. Compulsory masks, but not for 10 days? If this was a real virus, we would be wearing them now. The jews were butchered, and we will be too if we do not act now. This is becoming more like Hitlers Germany everyday.
Wish I could find the picture of 1930s Germany, where two German moms look on as the Waffan SS arrest jewish shop owners in front of them. They looked on, and knew full well they were going to their deaths. The look on their faces was horror/shame/fear and acceptance all rolled into one. They did nothing, they watched them being led away to the work camps, they knew their fate.They did of course live with the fact they were complicit.
The new law will divide us even more, from the take the red pill brigade(me) to the, we are only doing our jobs, follow the rules, do as you're told, save the NHS. Make no mistake, the government are laughing all the way to the banks, at our expense. What next? Stand at your front door and salute, only go shopping on your birthday,tie a yellow ribbon, or my old fav, stand at 8pm and clap?
I also understand the constant barrage of propaganda from the MSM is brainwashing lots. Why should you not trust the media, they never lie do they? Well yes they fucking do, and have been caught out thousands of times telling us lies. You the sheeple can believe what you want, but do not come running to me, go buy toilet rolls.

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