Monday 20 July 2020


The mergers and monopoly commission is a pretend government organization to stop one company dominating and controlling us, but it's a lie.Just look at the petrol stations, and the super markets. all owned by the same people. They control the price, and we have to obey. Petrol prices are controlled by them, and 90% of our money goes to the government. Petrol stations are told what to charge, and we have to pay what they rell us. There is zero room for change.
Same with Asda,Tesco,COOP etc, they vary in price in small ways, but overall, they are just the same. They don't like others coming in, like Lidle,Aldi, but they will soon be brought into line.Then there is the banks, all owned by a few people, and won't allow anyone to muscle in. Ask the bank of Dave, a new bank that was made in Burnley, but must toe the party line.
The media owned by the few, and all tell us what to think, and brainwash the masses. They all report the story as they are told, and going against the MSM is a death knell.We are controlled  from every angle, and we are used to it so much, we just accept our fate.Our fate is in our hands, at least that's what they make us believe.

Take the red pill, because it's all about control. 

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