Saturday 20 June 2020

Have you ever?

Watched a news story break, and thought wow, I need to do something about that. Have you seen a sad advert and thought I must donate? These are kneejerk reactions, and some would say mind control.We only have what we have seen in front of us, we only see what they want us to see.We never question if they are telling the truth because we have been taught the government and the media tell the truth, and they never lie to the public.
I have been watching them tell lies for years, and I automatically thought we all knew it was at best conjecture. For decades they have been proven liars, but it's easily forgot. We are all taught racism is rife all over the world, we are told if we commit a crime we will be punished, yet allow the rich and famous to get away with murder.
We are contolled from birth, and stand little chance unless we stand together. We accept their laws, we agree to medicines,vaccines and right now, house arrest. More of us are now taking a look, and finding the truth.Rational human beings are afraid, and rightly so, the media has put the fear of god into us with the death rate soaring by the hour. We are told the virus is a killer, yet I still don't know anyone who has died from it.
The charity adverts have gone into overdrive, donkeys,cats,dogs,children,homeless need our help now, please donate, £2£5£10 what you can, please help. Are any of these charities real?
When reporters tell of war breaking, and show pictures of casualties and bombs dropping, we automatically trust them, even though we have no real evidence.
Recently, a convicted criminal died whilst being arrested, and the media made it about racism.Look for the truth, it's there for you to see. Take the red pill.

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