Tuesday 24 December 2019

Predictions for 2020.

The calm after the storm, brexit is over, or is it? Never met any remainers like the ones I saw on TV, I wonder where they are? The media has gone silent, but this will never do. They will create division once more. My guess would be climate change, where you accept it, or fight against it. You will need to take sides. They could divide us using racism, I fear trouble if they do. 

We could have another health scare, CJD part 2. Maybe they could contaminate the water? They need to keep us on our toes, they know it's the only way to enpower them. 

The royal family are due to make the news, something is not right. Prince Phil looks like he may not see 2021. .....

England expects, and anything less than the final in July will be frowned upon.

Trump will serve a second term.

China are ready to flex their muscles too, maybe they will put Russia in their place?

Several more high school murders in the USA will go on, guns laws to be reviewed bang bang.

Same old same old.

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