Saturday 23 November 2019

Would never vote for any.

Watched QT, and watched them all wriggle out of 90% of the direct questions(for a change). Can't imagine I could with any dignity put my cross in their box. None of them have any idea what it's like to not be in their pay bracket. Some of them may have fought their way to power, but they soon forget their roots.

Corbyn as ever, a principled man, focused on his convictions. He must remember, those are his beliefs, and not necessarily those of his party, nor those of his country. He will never toe the party line, and that will be his end.

Sturgen makes me sick. She too has her beliefs, yet the majority of scots I know could not care less. She's a one trick pony.

Swinson, she is delusional, a very sad case for the left, more far right with her insistence on the country doing as she says(when she is PM?)

Boris? We all make mistakes, bot Boris never learns. He is a clear racist who says it's all taken out of context. Sensitive words and phrases such as letterbox,picanini etc are found offensive by our snowflake nation, but should still be avoided. The only reason he uses this type of rhetoric is because he means what he says, and no matter how educated it shows clear ignorance.Not a leader for me.

None of them are fit to lead, and when the results are in, I believe the government will be in chaos.There will be no majority, and they will all do anything to keep their jobs. It's time for change.

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