Thursday 28 November 2019

Who to vote for?
Got 2000 so called friends on my FB. I have no intention of influencing anyone.
I can't vote Corbyn, even though he is the most principled man in politics. He stands for what he believes, and that's all he cares about. Maybe if he would shift a little, but that would never happen.
Boris wants nothing more but power and wealth, he is the most dangerous politician on earth. The damage this narcissist is capable of is terrifying.
The Lib Dems are like a ship without a captain, she is all over the place. She has shown she is inept.Scary to think she may influence the next government.
Farage was my hope, but he sold out. If he had belief he would have charged forward, knowing with his momentum he could have made an impact, yet he chose to knuckle down.
The chaos on the 13th will have us all in a spin, and guess what, brexit will never happen. The next thing they will be saying's been 4 years since the 17.4m voted, then 5, then 6................
It's time for change.

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