Saturday 16 November 2019

Who the hell do we vote for?

The tories?
99% of these people went to public schools, and have zero care for anyone but themselves. They really have very little idea of how real life is, and most have never had a real job. Yet they make our laws, tell us what to do, how to live? None of them have any experience of it in real life, so I struggle to give them my vote. They earn a minimum of £80,000pa from parliament, and then have other back handed deals and expenses going on, and will not get my vote.

Ruined by the wannabe tory Blaire. As working class as they come lol. He was a treasonous low life out for his own. He sent thousands to their death in an illegal war, I despise him. Corbyn has tried, but he will never restore the party to what it once was. Corbyn sickens me with his dalliances with terrorist, and claims to be doing his best for peace, yet he should realise, charity begins at home. He has stuck to his guns, and he should be proud of that. The cost of him in power would change the UK forever, and I don't think he even understands.

Lib dems?
They are clearly not living up to their name of democrats. What is democratic about ignaring the referendum because they think they know better, traitors.

Brexit party?
Farage has sold his soul to the tory party, and will not get my vote.

This December election will see the greatest upevil in political history, and I can't wait to see so called democracy returnded to the people.

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