Thursday 14 November 2019

Believe in what you like.

Some believe in religion, some don't. Some are fanatical believers to the point of insanity. If you feel it in your heart, good for you, but don't push your beliefs on me. Religion is just another way to control, yet does give hope. I'm agnostic, and nothing will ever change that until I meet her.

I have my own idea, and maybe I'm right. The human brain is more powerful than a billion billion computers, and it already knows to the milli second the moment you are going to die. It knows how many vino's you have had, it knows how much exercise you do, how many cigarettes you smoke, and calculate your life expectancy and has done. It even knows if you will die in a car crash, a terrorist attack, a flood, earthquake because it's more advanced than anyone can imagine.

We only use 10% of our brains capacity conscientiously, so the other 90% is working in the background, the subconscious mind. This part of the brain is picking up information every second of our life. It's capable of any calculation, you just don't know it yet. We have all seen amazing acts of human nature, things we cannot comprehend as possible. A mother lifting a 2 ton car off her child, resiting  Pi to 10,000 digits, running a 4 minute mile, and many more. We are capable of much more than we can ever imagine whilst awake, but once the subconscious is unlocked, our dreams can become our reality.

Death is the new beginning, and your brain is ready for it. The second you pass, your energy moves to wherever you want it to be, a new level of being. Your experiences and education take over, all the memories you ever had will come flooding back in detail. I'm sure lots of it will be sent to the junk mail box, but you will live as you wish, because you have control. Einstein said we are just energy, and that means we will never die.

I can't say I am looking forward to my next life, I am enjoying this one, but there you go.

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