Monday 28 October 2019

Our broken school system.

We have been doing the same thing for ever, and it does not work. We are teaching our children to be robots, we are teaching them how to hate,we are failing them. I hated school with a vengeance, mainly due to the bullies. 

Our politicians know only too well, if they teach us too much, we will see through them, and they will no longer serve a purpose, this is why they keep us in line. Childhood is and should be the best days of our life, yet the pressure of school takes it's toll on lots of children. The pressure of exams, the peer pressure, the bullies, the pecking order, most adults would crumble at the horrors, yet we are forced by law to make them attend.Schools teach secularism from an early age, because our leaders know from history, to conquer they must first divide.

Can you imagine a school where children sat next to girls and boys of different colour,religion,height,weight ect. My school had boys with boys, girls with girls, blacks with blacks, jews,chinese,disabled all stuck together, and were encouraged to do so by the parents and teachers. It was frowned upon to mix with children that were not like you, and this practice continues to this day.In my town schools are defined by religion, and we are taught not to mix with muslims,jews,protestants,catholics.

Why can't we teach our kids things that will help them when they grow up? Things that are useful for the rest of their life.
CPR would save lives.
The Heimlich maneuver.
How to boil an egg.
How to pay bills.
How to grow plants and flowers.
Change a light bulb.
How to care for an animal.
To name a few.

We could explain the need to look after our elderly, because they too will be old one day. The difference between good and evil. How to make the world a better place.

I was bullied at school, and at least two teachers did not like me, but these things happen. Some of us will waltz through school impervious to the whole horror show, others will pay the ultimate price and take their life because of the pressure. This cannot be right and must change.


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